Descendant Beauty

inspired by
Charles Alston’s painting “Girl in a Red Dress” 1934

Speak to me descendant beauty

tell me why when I look at your
elongated neck and
head held high with bushy hair on top
I conjure thoughts of majestic baobabs

why when I behold your
full lips, distinct cheek bones,
broad nose, and captivating eyes
I hear ancestral rhythms

why when I gaze at your
flawless ebony skin
against starched white collar
I visualize unwavering courage

why when I ponder the whole of you
with your stately presence
the poise and confidence you exude
I sense a thunderous elegance

No, descendant beauty
do not tell me...
because the truth is
I already know why.


Deborah LeFalle is a former college educator who started writing in her retirement. Besides writing she enjoys being involved in the arts, digging into her family's past, and spending time outdoors communing with nature. Her work has appeared in various journals, magazines and anthologies, and she has authored two poetry chapbooks: Worthy (2017) and Little Suites (2019). Ms. LeFalle lives a simple, gratitude-filled life in California's Bay Area.




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