Total Lunar Eclipse

How I slept through every night in the cleanness
of dark & stars out an open window of a cabin
at summer camp, not like now when I lie wake
at 3:00 am in a murmuring house, the way
it breathes with the wind & the mice
that gather courage in the darkness.

So, I was awake for it last night.
Through my window I watched it disappear.
The moon gathered me up, stood me nearly naked
in front of its shadow self, brought me back
to awe. How I saw something vanish
but knew it was still there.

The way they carried out your body
& delivered your ashes
in a fastened plastic bag
inside the wooden box.
The moon, how it returned.


Sarah Dickenson Snyder lives in Vermont, carves in stone, & rides her bike. Travel opens her eyes. She has four poetry collections, The Human Contract (2017), Notes from a Nomad (nominated for the Massachusetts Book Awards 2018), With a Polaroid Camera (2019), and Now These Three Remain (2023). Poems have been nominated for Best of Net and Pushcart Prizes. Recent work is in Rattle, Lily Poetry Review, and RHINO.


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